Backyard Barbecue Competition

$1,100 In Prize Money

Smoking In The Foothills is sanctioned by the Kansas City Barbecue Society (KCBS). Rules and regulations are designed to be fair to all contestants. The integrity of the contest judges, KCBS represenatives and Contest Organizers is essential.  Please click the buttons below to read, review or print out the rules and regulations.
The Backyard Competition will follow the KCBS Rules and Regulations, but with one (1) big difference: 1. Only turn in two meats. So get your taste of what a real time barbecue competition is like, without having to stay up all night cooking your meat. So grab your grill, light your fire and win some cash and bragging rights. 

 The two meats will be chicken and pork ribs.

What we have planned for the Cook Teams:
                                                       1. Private Cook Team Lunch at the 1841 Cafe at 1:00 PM Friday
                                                       2. Private Cook Team Social with music and food Friday Evening
                                                       3. Cook Team Breakfast Saturday morning

Prize Money

$400.00 Grand Champion

$200.00 First In Each Category

$100.00 Second In Place Each Category

$50.00 Third Place In Each Category

Get your entry form by clicking the button below



Smoking In The Foothills Barbecue Competition & Festival

North Carolina State Championship Event

October 20th & 21st 2017, In Historic Downtown Lenoir, NC